Backup Strategy

Don't wait for a disaster to happen before backing up your data! Hard drives are like milk, they have expiration dates. It's good practice to write the purchase date of your hard drive on its casing and replace it every five years, as this will ensure that you maintain access to old files with all their original qualities intact.

It's recommended to have two or three copies of your most important documents in two different places. Backup drives are one method that many people (including myself) use to keep a copy of their data. Cloud backup is the other method that provides peace of mind for protecting things like emails, tax records, and family photos-- safe from a permanent deletion in the event of a disaster.

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What we have found is that roughly 75% of people backup either occasionally or inconsistently, and 25% did not back up their computers at all! For this reason, it's important to develop a backup strategy that works for you regardless of how often you're able to perform this task, otherwise later on when you realize that you have done nothing towards keeping your data safe, your blood pressure may rise due to the amount of work involved in retrieving your data, if it is even retrievable at all.


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