The Notebook battery Is Starting To Swell
We had an 8-year-old notebook dropped off for servicing today in Victoria BC, and noticed that the battery inside the notebook was starting to swell.
iMac Restoration
Have you suffered from your beloved Apple iMac taking forever to start up or load your programs?
Innovative Cyber Security
Did you know that our CarePlan Gold is powered by one of the most innovative cyber threat responses?
we are now open!
Without a doubt, we could not have made it here without the support of all our wonderful clients.
On CFAX 1070, with Alan & Brian
Francis was live on CFAX 1070 Victoria’s News and Information Station to discuss Cyber Security, IT solutions and tech news with Alan Perry and Brian Pavlicic!
Overheating Message
One of our customers, from Victoria BC, came into the shop with the computer showing symptoms of overheating message on the screen and it powers off.
iMac internal drive upgrade in Victoria, BC
Apple’s iMac computers are not known to be Do It Yourself (DIY) friendly. Nor do they tend to be a quick and easy job for Apple Computer Technicians.
Ultrasonic Motherboard Repair Victoria, BC
Have you had the unfortunate luck of spilling your morning coffee into your laptop keyboard and now it doesn’t turn on.
Laptop Swollen Battery Victoria, British Columbia
A laptop near Victoria BC is presenting to the shop, symptoms of the touchpad not working and couldn’t push down on the touchpad any longer. There are signs of swelling...
Priority 1 Is One Of The Top 3 Computer repair Companies in Victoria, BC!
The Case Of The Distraught Engineer
A distraught engineer near Victoria BC is presenting to the shop, his computer “old faithful” with the symptom of no longer powering on.
Annoying Windows Prompt!!!
I, like many others, have been experiencing the “let's finish setting up your device” prompt pop-up with alarming frequency. The first time I saw it was in my search for a new build of Windows and now it has become an all too common occurrence that is draining on productivity.
Retirement: Outlook for iOS and Android to stop syncing with Facebook, Meetup, and Evernote Calendars
Retirement: Outlook for iOS and Android to stop syncing with Facebook, Meetup, and Evernote Calendars
Mechanical Keyboard Repair
Our customer, one from Victoria BC, came into the shop with a keyboard showing symptoms of "C" key not responding.
Vulnerabilities And Limitations Of Remote Working
Remote working has been on the rise for a while now. Remote offices are no longer just a way to cut down office costs; they have become commonplace in many industries as people look for ways to work more flexibly and conveniently. Remote workers can be found all over the world, from America to Australia, making this one of the biggest changes we've seen in our workforce recently. But with these benefits come some serious security risks that need addressing if remote work is going to continue thriving. Remote working has the potential to save businesses time and money, but how can these companies stay secure?
Backup Strategy
Don't wait for a disaster to happen before backing up your data! Hard drives are like milk, they have expiration dates. It's good practice to write the purchase date of your hard drive on its casing and replace it every five years, as this will ensure that you maintain access to old files with all their original qualities intact.
Give Your iMac New Life
An iMac is presenting to the shop, symptoms of running extremely slow with the colour spinning wheel constantly appearing!
SATA to NVMe Adaptor
Peter and Francis were live on CFAX Victoria’s News and Information Station to discuss with Alan Perry and Brian Pavlicic about Cyber Security and tech news!
Tech Talk With Alan Perry
Peter and Francis were live on CFAX Victoria’s News and Information Station to discuss with Alan Perry and Brian Pavlicic about Cyber Security and tech news!
Broken Laptop Screen
Here we have a broken LCD Panel where the dog stepped on it!